Fish Maan Spotted Releasing New Hotel Ugly

In the late hours of last night, Hotel Ugly dropped their newest single Fish Maan. This brother duo based out of Houston Texas has taken the indie-music scene by storm these past few years. Mike and Chris Fiscella have been keeping us on the edges of our seats, this newest single is the latest out of a long string since their debut at the beginning of 2020. I think I can speak for every Hotel Ugly fan when I say a full-length album from them is to die for.

Fish Maan is so easy to throw on repeat and forget how many times you have listened to it. Before you know it you’re singing along to the catchy chorus over and over again as you’re falling in love even more with the gripping synths and lyrics that tend to hit a little too close to home. This single, much like the others, is what feels like a tease of something much bigger. Not that each and every single they release, doesn’t meet AND succeed my expectations of having the highs, lows, fasts, and slows. But, it’s almost the same euphoric feeling as addiction… It just never feels like you have had enough and always leaves you feeling like you need more of the mesmerizing melodies created by this humble, loveable Texan duo.

Hotel Ugly is constantly evolving and experimenting with their music as they tend to drop a different vibe, that can fit just about every mood, with each track they release. What I really like about this single is that they have the lyrics be just vague enough to let the listener interpret the meaning, while also having the technical productions of the music and attitude they conveyed through the formulation of everything put together that truly makes you crave for more. Regardless of the track being less than two minutes, put it on replay and it easily goes for over an hour without you wanting to turn off the toe-tapping beats.

Hotel Ugly has big places to be and they’re headed there soon. They’ve amassed 15+ million listeners a month on Spotify and it’s greeted with nothing but the most humble approach. They keep the “made at home” charm that I think a lot of us love about Hotel Ugly. Even Proving with this single, the trippy synths paired with the chorus of “Let’s make it work, Pretending like the pain doesn’t hurt”. I just think it’s so beautiful because played by the wrong person and it would get shut down but the indie scene has welcomed this silly, crazy talented duo with open arms as they have paved a community for us and continue to do so with each piece they release.

As writing this article comes to an end, my prayers have been answered as my phone goes off with a post notification from Hotel Ugly… The said post is an album announcement for their FIRST full-length album, UGLY DUCK, released at the end of this month. Truly cannot wait to see what Hotel Ugly has in store for all of us, especially after the full repertoire of vibes they’ve already provided over the past three years.

Do yourself a favor and stream Fish Maan as we all wait for UGLY DUCK… AKA March, 24th… AKA the day we’ve all been dreaming of.


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