Another Warm Hug from Summer Salt

Just a few days ago, on February 23rd, the Texas-born and grown band, Summer Salt, released their newest lead single “Campanita”. This single is gearing us up for their fourth-ever full-length album release, Campanita, hitting the public on May 19th. To make things even better, as a special treat, they announced a full US headlining tour with The Rare Occasions and Addison Grace starting at the beginning of May.

Summer Salt’s music can be described as a plethora of sounds… whether it be trop-pop, indie-surf, indie-rock, or bedroom-pop. But what I think is beautiful about Summer Salt is their ability to appeal to that wide of a variety of sound while still keeping that same authentic “homegrown, bedroom recorded” sound that truly makes them that much more superior in the Indie scene. Matthew Terry and Euguene Chung have recorded most of their music themselves and this will be the second album they have done signed with a music label, so Summer Salt is just now getting started…

Music Video for Campanita

The single, Campanita, is just the beginning of what’s to be an album about all things love: which includes family, friends, loss, and life. This alluded album was created out of the pure desire to create a permanent work of art to honor the passing of Terry and his sister Maddy’s loss of their cousin, Angelina. So far this single has done nothing but exceed my expectations of exerting and personifying that feeling of life within death in the most gorgeous way.

The song starts with more of an upbeat, bounce your head and tap your feet, beat more than some of their slower songs. Chung’s drums give a sweet transition into Terry’s dreamy, southwestern tenor. The first verse of the song already ringing true to sparking emotions of loss when Terry sings “My best friend, Lives somewhere out there in the cool wind, Neither far or near”. This could allude either to his sister or his cousin that has recently passed, but I think they left that up for interpretation to make the listening experience more personalized to the viewer’s perspective.

The chorus evoked so many emotions of pure love and honestly, I felt a different type of connection to how true the words rang when he sang “You are so smart and you’re gorgeous campanita, But you’re good and that is why I need ya” as he follows that with “Hold me tight don’t let me go, I’ll be singing on and long live campanita”. Terry has said that “Campanita” stems from a nickname that his Grandmother gave his sister, which makes this chorus ring even stronger. In my eyes, he’s saying that regardless of whether they’re present on this earth or not he will always move on and live in their honor, especially through this next project.

The ending of this single just feels like a warm hug as it wraps you in its sweet melodies of background vocals and twists and turns of the guitar! It finishes off with the chorus one last time which just leaves me on the edge of my seat for May, playing this song endlessly in my head in anticipation of what’s to come from the purest friendship of over 10 years. Their energy in the recording of just this first piece of the album makes me even more excited to see what else they will be bringing to the table. Chung has stated that this is an album in which they will be experimenting in, more so than any of their previous projects… In part to Terry and Chung not being together through the majority of this project and only coming together at the very end to finish the recording of the album in Colorado at The Blasting Room.

With all this being said Summer Salt rakes in nearly 1 million listeners a month on Spotify and it will only continue to grow higher!! 

Catch a Summer Salt show on their upcoming tour below !


Thee Sacred Souls Serenades Salt Lake City